
Information for Patients

ExoFlo is one of the newest generations of naturally bioactive products for regenerative therapies.

ExoFlo™ is an exosome allograft product that provides multiple proteins and signals that are anti-inflammatory.

  • ExoFlo is a potential non-surgical option for patients.
  • Exosomes are known to stimulate stem cell activity and communication.
  • In topical applications, ExoFlo can help in the repair and reconstruction of tissue.

Consult your healthcare provider to discuss if treatment with ExoFlo is an option for your current medical condition. If so, they will advise the best treatment plan associated with your condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are extracellular vesicles?

Extracellular vesicles – or EVs – are communication vehicles between cells. They are about 1,000th the size of a stem cell and they work to help regulate the inflammatory process if the body is injured or damaged. These EVs help cells communicate and help with healing. The EVs also contain growth factors and proteins that help the body heal. Direct Biologics products have been used in chronic inflamed joint pain, repetitive motion injuries, aesthetic applications, nonhealing wounds, and soft tissue injuries.

Direct Biologics offers an extracellular vesicle product called ExoFlo. This is a new class of regenerative medicine and provide an entirely different option for treatment. ExoFlo has been used successfully in thousands of clinical applications.

Where do extra cellular vesicles come from?

Extra cellular vesicles are everywhere in the body including fluids, blood and in bone marrow. ExoFlo is derived from stem cells in bone marrow and this is extremely important for product consistency that doctors expect.

Why does the company use bone marrow derived extra cellular vesicles?

Direct Biologics is focused on safety. Over 60,000 studies have been published on bone marrow derived stem cells that demonstrate safety and efficacy.


Safety is a priority!

The products are derived from healthy sources with specific criteria, and the company takes extra steps to ensure safety. The products undergo rigorous testing to ensure sterility and quality.

How does Direct Biologics process the product?

Direct Biologics has patented and proprietary processing. Thanks to our high manufacturing standards and processing, we deliver a safe and natural product.

Where can I find a doctor?

Our products are used in of clinics and hospitals across the country.  

How many treatments will I need?

On average patients will notice effects within four weeks of initial treatment. As every patient is different it is important to refer to your physician for the appropriate treatment plan and determine if you are a candidate. 

What should I expect?

Your physician will advise about their specific protocols and procedures in preparation of treatment. Your physician will discuss with you the post procedure protocol and appropriate follow up

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  1. Anderson, J.D., Johansson, H.J., Graham, C.S., Vesterlund, M., Pham, M.T., Bramlett, C.S., Montgomery, E.N., Mellema, M.S., Bardini, R.L., Contreras, Z., Hoon, M., Bauer, G., Fink, K.D., Fury, B., Hendrix, K.J., Chedin, F., EL‐Andaloussi, S., Hwang, B., Mulligan, M.S., Lehtiö, J. and Nolta, J.A. (2016), Comprehensive Proteomic Analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomes Reveals Modulation of Angiogenesis via Nuclear Factor‐KappaB Signaling. Stem Cells, 34: 601-613. doi:10.1002/stem.2298